
KAYAKU spirit

= Nippon Kayaku Group´s Corporate vision

The KAYAKU Spirit represents the Nippon Kayaku Group´s corporate vision - the ultimate goal of all its corporate activities.  

The KAYAKU Spirit says: "Continuously providing society with the best products through ceaseless progress and the combined forces of our consciences." 

The corporate vision can be understood as a guide to the health and quality management of the company - as an undertaking to create a better corporate culture based on moral values. Our everyday activities are committed to its fulfillment, guided by the Nippon Kayaku Group´s Charter of Conduct and Code of Conduct, guided by Group Action Guidelines.

Basic Policy on Sustainable Management

Under its corporate vision, the KAYAKU spirit, the Nippon Kayaku Group will practice sustainable management that responds to the trust placed in it by all of its stakeholders, by ensuring transparency and fairness in management and contributing to the creation of a sustainable environment and society through its business activities.